Last time the older students graduated, leaving the six younger students to finish. Debera Beal's boyfriend Rafe Quinn was going to be added last time but I forgot so I will be graduating him with this group.
Shannon Darden who is at the Greek house calls Rafe Quinn from the college Directory and invites him over.
Shannon invites Rafe to move in.
Well that is a good LTW.
So he will be majoring in Economics.
I have the college clock, a object that is allowed, and will be using it to catch Rafe up with the rest of the students. I will also have him make friends with the others and that will get him into the SS.
Debera calls on her own and is now Best Friends with Rafe.
Shannon is VERY close to getting her LTW.
No pics of it but Rafe worked very hard and is now caught up with Shannon. Now the others make there way to second semester of Junior year.
Before he can get to the second semester he needs to work on skills.
Nearly there. Three more finals to go.
They earn some money with a little jam session. All of them earned at least one creativity if I remember right. I am doing everything after this from memory as it was months ago and I had to rewrite everything after this picture in the blog.
They all earned some extra cash.
Some semesters pass by and now they are Seniors I think.
Wow! Shannon got her LTW.
I forgot his name, but he will be the place holder for the Greek house.
She asked him to pledge and now he is a full member.
Not sure what semester this is, maybe second to last.
The final final I think.
The Wentworth quads graduate with a 4.0 GPA. Two in Art, one in Literature and one in Physics.
Olive Reyes graduated with a 4.0 GPA in Art.
Shannon Darden Graduated with a 4.0 GPA in Drama.
and last is Rafe Quinn with a 4.0 GPA in Econimics.
Lea Wentworth is the firs tto grows up and leave college.
Arden Wentworth is next to grow up and leave.
Next to grow up and leave is Bernetta Wentworth.
Katelin Wentworth grows up and leaves the dorm empty.
Olive Reyes grows up and leaves the private house empty.
Shannon Darden grows up and leaves.
Rafe calls that guy Houston to come over.
He invites him to move in so he can be the placeholder.
Rafe Quinn grows up and leaves college, leaving the Greek house in Houston's hands.
This has been edited on 11/29/11: Since the first time I posted this and it deleted most of what I had written it took time to come back to fix it as I didn't feel like it at the time. I will be continuing the blog as I will start playing the next round today (if I can get the game to start) and hope to have the round posted soon.