Last time Louie came home, got into the garden club and used the Wishing well to meet Carla, who he then married. They are expecting a baby now.
Monday: Shannon came back this round.
Louie is going to move out with Carla before the baby is born so they aren't so cramped once Shannon finds a guy to marry. He is taking the wishing well with him, so Shannon will have to earn her own or call the Gypsy. I think she will earn her own.
Louie and Carla will be the last to be played this round as Darden 3.
The elevators were replaced with stairs and a deck was added over the garage with stairs leading up to it as well. A door was added so they can access the deck from the second floor.
Shannon was unable to find a job in Show Business, but she will keep looking.
Robert harvested the Apples, Oranges and Lemons, they are all bland.
Shannon started out on the treadmill but had a want to swim so she finished getting fit there.
Shannon remembered to replace the clothes she grew up in.
She swims a bit more.
Robert dose some gardening.
Fha-Zhai is being trained to keep off sim furniture. Also a wall was added so the kitchen is it's own room again.
Robert cleans all the bathrooms.
Shannon waters the flowers that have been neglected since the gardener's last visit.
Shannon works on some relationships.
Tuesday: Shannon was in luck and found a job in Show Business.
Shannon went to work an hour late due to getting the job after her carpool time. She bought a car to use.
Robert needs just one more promotion and he will have achieved his LTW.
Robert got the promotion to Professional Party Guest and is now Perma-plat.
Robert waters the tomatoes.
Shannon was promoted to Cartoon Voice!
This door was added to the room with the treadmill and stairs so they don't have to go through the kitchen to get here.
Shannon needs a body skill point for the next promotion but she doesn't want to workout on the treadmill. She did have a want to swim.
Robert joined Shannon in the pool and they played Marco Polo for a bit. Shannon ALMOST got the body point, but she kept trying to leave the pool. She can get it in the morning before she goes to work.
Wednesday: In the early morning Shannon gains the body point needed for the next promotion.
Shannon had a want to make friends and talk to herself, but after she went swimming to meet the 'swim in pool' want they rerolled to something else. I checked her memory and their is no 'Met Shannon' memory so at least I know the game didn't mess up TO bad. I hate when they fall in love with themselves. I do have a fix that should stop that from happening.
Shannon has a few hours tell the carpool comes so she paints.
Robert calls the Garden club. It's time to get Shannon her membership so she can get her own wishing well.
Shannon Greets the Garden club rep and fills the 'meet someone new' want.She then asks to join. The Gardener came today so their is no worry about the hedges needing cutting.
The lady calls the rest of the club and they come over for inspection.
Well it went well, the only problem were three orchard trees that weren't doing so well, but as there are no gold Garden badges in the family yet there is noting to do to fix it.
But still, even with three trees in need of 'care' the rest of the Garden passed and Shannon got membership AND the wishing well.
I was so busy watching the Garden club reps I missed Fha-Zhai dying. It didn't even register when his portrait vanished. I had to look at my screen shots to see when it was he died.
The wishing well was moved to the same spot as Louie's was in before he moved.
With Fha-Zhai dead and Shannon at work Robert has to make a call to get social up. He calls Carla to talk as he hasn't made friends with his daughter-in-law yet.
Shannon has been promoted to Supporting Player.
Thursday: Early in the morning Robert wakes up and decided to visit the graves of his father and dog.
In only a few hours Shannon earned one Charisma and two body points needed for the next promotion. The combination of fall and hat made her gain them much faster then before. She will get as much skilling done in fall as she can.
Once again Robert calls Carla to talk while Shannon is at work. Here you can see the kitchen was remodeled to have a 'country' theme.
Caleb visits tonight.
While harvesting the bland oranges Robert gains the Gold Gardening Badge. Now he can talk to the trees to make them better before harvest.
Friday: Early morning Shannon was promoted to Broadway Star. She has the day off so she can work on skill as well as make a wish at the well to find a husband.
Shannon dose a little gardening after she gets home.
Left over Grilled cheese, there is still a lot left so they have been having nothing but for the last few days.
Shannon works on gaining skills for the next promotion, she needs one more body after the two she earned here as well as one Charisma.
Shannon makes a wish for love at her new wishing well.
BFs, but only he has triggered Crush/Love. I think it's because he is a garden club townie and there is something about them that makes it so you can't fall in love.
After he fell in love with her she asks him to move in, he says yes.
This is what he brought.
For some reason this Popularity Sim has a LTW to be Chef of Staff, so He will be getting a Job in the Medical career.
With Armando now living with them she can fall in love with him. She starts by making-out with him.
A bit of Flirting and a little change of turn-on's for Armando to match Shannon better changed the LB for them from 2 to 3.
Shannon fell in love with him at last.
She asks him to marry her.
Armando checked the paper while Shannon went to bed for a while. They will be getting married today, she is just really tired.
He is in luck it seems, the first job available was EMT.
Armando studies Cleaning for a promotion while his fiance and future father-in-law sleep.
After 5PM Shannon gets up and calls her brothers to invite them to her wedding party.
Robert tells a joke to his soon to be son-in-law. Armando had a want to meet someone new and this filled that want.
Melvin and Louie came and it seems Ivy followed her husband over. Carla was 'unable' to come since she is so close to her due date.
The wedding starts.
The guests have all taken their seats 9for once) so the wedding can start.
They exchange vows and rings, then seal it with a kiss.
The guests applaud for the newlyweds.
The cake is cut.
There is not enough space for everyone to eat so Robert lets one of his sons have his seat for now.
Robert calls work to retire, since he no longer needs to work.
He waited till all three children were married to retire.
Trying to get the party score up. Melvin and Ivy keep starting pillow fights all on their own.
Armando met Melvin while eating cake. He meets Louie who went upstairs to sit down. After that he will meet Ivy.
Shannon has a pillow fight with her sister-in-law Ivy.
Ivy and Melvin seem to love pillow fighting.
The party was a Roof Raiser, Shannon had a want for a Grate Party.
The party is over, yet they still pillow fight.
Shannon relaxes in bed, waiting for Armando.
Robert, who was doing the Smustle with Louie, said goodbye to everyone and they all left right away. Robert then went to bed.
They relax together once the guests are all gone.
They try for baby, but it didn't work on the first try.
Saturday: Armando dose some gardening while Robert cooks breakfast. Omelets today.
All three residents eat together. The only real time the have as a family is meal time.
Shannon gains the needed Charisma skill point.
She then started for the last body point needed, but doing yoga didn't work as she fell and gave up.
Shannon maxed body, now she can work on other skills during her off time.
This time when they tried for baby it worked.
Shannon is supposed to be at work, but she is about to pee her pants and pass out, so she uses the energizer.
Shannon is late for work, so she uses the car that is there for just that reasons. This car dose not belong to anyone, it's just there in case the carpool is missed.
Sunday: Very early in the morning, Armando earns three body skill points and is now fit.
Shannon was late for work so she didn't get a promotion, but that's okay, at least she didn't faint from lack of energy when she got home.
Shannon gains a Charisma skill point and has two left tell it's maxed.
She works on Creativity for a bit and gains a skill point.
Robert is board and the only one at home who is awake since Shannon is sleeping now, so he decides to fish before the pond freezes for the winter.
A Largemouth Bass. It's going on the wall in the kitchen.
A Blue Catfish. It's also going on the wall in the kitchen.
Another Largemouth Bass, he can cook this one for lunch.
He also earned his Bronze fishing Badge.
He starts to cook the Largemouth Bass. I forgot what the Bass dish is called.
Armando comes home with a promotion to Paramedic. He will study to gain the skills needed, then eat before going to work again.
Robert cooked the Bass without burning or starting a fire. The sparkling fish should fill them all up fast.
Armando gained a logic and cleaning skill point.
Shannon has mourning sickness.
Armando has time to eat before the car pool, but not sleep, so he will drink some coffee before he leaves.
Shannon's first baby bump appears just as the carpool arrives. (I forgot I left the walls down, opps.)
Shannon went to work anyway since the carpool was already there.
Armando is off to work as well. They should both get promoted when they get back.
To pass time before bed Robert fishes some more. He caught one Blue Catsfish. At 10PM he went to bed.
Monday before 8AM: Shannon was promoted to Leading Lady.
Armando was promoted to Nurse.
Shannon worked on Charisma, but did not earn the skill point needed for the promotion yet.
Nearly starving and one plate of sparkling fish filled her up and there was some left over. (One note about the kitchen, the door that led from the garage was deleted so only room with the stairs has a door connected to the garage now.)
Robert harvests the Oranges.
It's 8AM Monday and we leave Robert talking to Tomatoes so when he picks them they will be Mouth watering.
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