The Greene Family is the the only family with no children or toddlers. Fannie the elder Family Sim, Diann the adult Romance Sim and Ray the teenage Popularity Sim. All three are able to get jobs, so money should not be an issue.
Here is the house I built for the Greene family.
Fannie's LTW is to Graduate three children from collage. Can't be done unless she adopts three kids and I don't want to do that. Diann and Ray share the LTW to Become Celebrity Chef. I'm going to get Fannie a job in Law Enforcement and Diann and Ray a job in Culinary.
Ray is amusing himself by playing with the refrigerator.
The Welcome Wagon arrives. It's Janie Reyes, Carolin Hancock and Caleb Darden.
I had Fannie greet them.
I had Diann making lunch and decided to invite the three visitors to eat with them.
The jobs they want were not in the paper today, so I had them start working on skills they will need for the jobs when they do get them. Diann and Ray on Cooking and Fannie on Body.
Fannie was tired so I sent her to bed, but I wanted Diann and Ray to gain three cooking points, so they could make more then instant meals without an stove.
On Tuesday Diann taught Ray how to Study.
Also Tuesday Dish Washer in the Culinary Career was available, so Diann took it.
Ray checked and Dish Washer was also available for the teen/elders Culinary Career.
On Wednesday Fannie checked the paper and Crossing Guard in the Law Enforcement career was available.
Ray was promoted to Drive Through Clerk.
Diann had later hours, she was also promoted to Drive Through Clerk.
I bought a chess set and some chairs so they could all gain some Logic skill points.
They all earned one Logic, then I sold them back before midnight.
Thursday Fannie worked on gaining another body skill for her job. She got fit as well.
Ray got an A+. He's been bringing different townie teens home every day on the bus, good for friends in the future as he IS Popularity Sim.
Diann needed a creativity.
Ray need one as well, and three more friends for a promotion.
Friday Fannie got promoted, then she made friends with Caleb and Janie, bring the friend count to four.
Diann got promoted to Fast Food Shift Manager.
Ray got Promoted to Fast Food Shift Manager and is now at the top of his teen career. He brought home Tosha Go, the same girl he brought home yesterday. He made friends with her.
Ray was an overachiever.
Saturday Fannie has been promoted to Security Guard.
Both the showers in the house were broken at the same time and I didn't see this until they all went to work.
Sunday Night Ray brought home Tosha again and made Best Friends with her and Diann was promoted to Hostess.
8 Am Monday and the end of Round 1. On to the Start of Round 2.
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