Friday, January 7, 2011

Round 3: Hancock

Last time we saw the Hancock family Roxanne got into Private school.

Monday: The first thing that happens is Carolin gets the money Fannie Greene and Janie Reyes left her. Caleb Darden wasn't as close and didn't leave any to her.

 Serena was promoted to SWAT Team Leader.

Tuesday Roxanne got $100 from the same imaginary family that gave Matt Reyes and Rema Wentworth $100 in round 1.This "$100 from family" only makes sense if they HAVE family outside the house.

Jorden Maxed his Charisma.

Wednesday Serena was promoted to Police Chief. She brought home the guy with the hard to spell name, Abhijeet Deppiesse, that's him near the tires of the car.

Thursday: Serena did the right thing and was promoted to Captain Hero!

 Grim came for Carolin at 6 PM on the dot.

 "It's time to go, Carolin!"

Name:  Caroline Hancock
Generation: 1
Aspiration: Romance
LTW: Become Celebrity Chef (not achieved)
Badges: None

Rest In Peace Carolin.

Well, this should help them build up the house in the future. I see Ray Green got some money from Carolin as well and... BJ the Headmaster? That is odd.

 Serena Maxed Body. I think she took out the anger she felt at her mothers death on the punching bag.
Jorden Maxed Logic, now he has all three skills he needs for work maxed.

Serena also maxed Logic.

 Friday Serena had to stop the Llama King and went after the Robot.

 She saved the City and earned a lot of money.

Jorden was promoted to Coach,

Jorden has been promoted to Hall of Famer and is now Permanent Platinum. He is the first sim in Rosewood Village to achieve this so far.

 Roxanne calls to see what Scholarships she has. She did well since she started as a child

Roxanne leaves for college on Saturday afternoon.
Sunday night Serena maxed her cleaning Skills.

8 Am Monday and now it's time to go see the Greene family.

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