Last time we saw the Bel family the twins Debera and Elenore left for College and Kevin got very close to his LTW of maxing all seven skills.
Monday: This is George. I'm not that grate with pet names since almost ALL the animals I have had my whole life have had human names.
Kevin made sure to get George a collar. George already started to learn to eat pet food and scratch the scratching post.
Early Tuesday morning Kevin maxed Charisma.
After work Wednesday morning Kevin went to use the energizer only to see that it was Snowing! It stopped right after I noticed it. He got a chance card at work, but I forgot to get a screen shot of it. He picked the right one and got a $55,000 bonus.
Wednesday morning 8 AM, we leave the Beal household with Kevin working on his LAST skill point.
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