Last time we saw the Reyes family Matt and Olive's grandmother Janie died of old age, then Matt left for College with his Girlfriend Meadow. Olive is alone now, but is planing on getting a pet to keep her company and keep the house safe once she goes to college herself.
After she gets home from school on Monday she adopts adult female cat Heidi.
She went crazy right after she arrived.
Since Olive was at work she couldn't praise Heidi for scratching the scratching post...
or praise her for playing.
Jacob pays a visit to the house again. He didn't scare anyone this time.
Olive WAS able to praise Heidi for using the letterbox and sleeping in the pet bed.
Tuesday while Olive was at school Hedi was being a bad kitty, luckily the chair survived.
Here is what Olive was bale to teach Heidi in the two days she has had her.
It's 8 AM Wednesday morning and since she is two days away from her birthday I am sending her to college now. The other houses will all go until Wednesday morning, I'll play the last Generation 1 college round and then I'll play the next round from Wednesday to Monday so the round after that will be normal. Next round Matt will be moving back in with Meadow.
This next round should go fast since it's two days.
It will be interesting to see if it is possible to leave a cat as a placeholder